1. Add promotion links

POST /v1/api/introduce/create

Add promotion links through the interface

Request Headers

Name Required Type Description
x-api-tenantId yes string Tenant ID
x-api-token yes string Authentication token
x-language no string Language,zh-CN、en-US

Request Body Parameters

Name Required Type Description
name yes string Promotion name
entityNo no string Promotion code, if not sending, it will automatically generate one
introduceType yes string Agent/StraightGuest
visibleType yes string UserAllVisible/UserPartVisible/UserNotVisible
visibleUserId no array visible user ID,if configure UserPartVisible,then must be filled in
targetUrl no/if introduceType=StraightGuest,then required string target links
parameterType no string parameterType,uid/pid/sid
serverId no string manager server id
vendor no bool if to send email or not,if password was not sending then it surely send emails
mtGroup no string custom MT group
accountGroup no int custom account group ID
leverage no int custom leverage
ownerType no string custom owner type,value is RoleId/Id
ownerId no string custom owner ID,only WEB and BW hidden user needs this value
ownerName no string custom owner name,Redundancy field, for showing


Name Type Description
result boolean Success ID,if success then return true,others false
mcode string Error code,if success then return m00000,failure code see error map
data object account data
errorMessage List Error info, some error returns values
1、data type
Name Type Description
name string Promotion name
entityNo string Promotion code,if not be filled in, it will automatically generate one
introduceType string Agent/StraightGuest
visibleType string UserAllVisible/UserPartVisible/UserNotVisible
visibleUserId array visible user ID,if configure UserPartVisible,then must be filled in
targetUrl string target links
displayUrl string the promotion links when showing
parameterType string parameterType,uid/pid/sid
serverId string manager server id
vendor bool if to send email or not,if password was not set then it surely send emails
mtGroup string custom MT group
accountGroup int custom account group ID
leverage int custom leverage
ownerType string custom owner type,value is RoleId/Id
ownerId string custom owner ID,only WEB and BW hidden user needs this value
ownerName string custom owner name,Redundancy field, for showing


Request sample

POST /v1/api/introduce/create
    , "introduceType":"Agent"
    , "visibleType":"UserPartVisible"
    , "visibleUserId":[1, 2]
    , "targetUrl":"http://www.baidu.com"
    , "parameterType":"uid"
    , "serverId":"428"
    , "vendor":"MT4"
    , "mtGroup":"test"
    , "accountGroup":"group1"
    , "leverage":"100"
    , "ownerType":"Id"
    , "ownerId":"4"
    , "ownerName":"哈哈 steven"

return sample:success

"data": {
    , "introduceType":"Agent"
    , "visibleType":"UserPartVisible"
    , "visibleUserId":[1, 2]
    , "targetUrl":"http://www.baidu.com",
    , "displayUrl":"http://broker.btmsc.lwork.com/introduce?iid=EN03045"
    , "parameterType":"uid"
    , "serverId":"428"
    , "vendor":"MT4"
    , "mtGroup":"test"
    , "accountGroup":"group1"
    , "leverage":"100"
    , "ownerType":"Id"
    , "ownerId":"4"
    , "ownerName":"哈哈 steven"

"mcode": "m0000000",
"result": true


return sample:failed

    "mcode": "PUB_AUTH_0000007",
    "result": false

2. Error handle

Error Code map

mcode MessageBW_API_
BW_API_0000001 token is empty
BW_API_0000003 invalid ID
BW_API_0000004 No OPENAPI Permission
BW_USER_INRR_NAME_NULL User name is empty
BW_USER_INRR_PARAM_ERROR target link repeat with parameterType
-1 service exception , try again later

results matching ""

    No results matching ""